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We are STOKED to see what you all have been working on!
The 2025 RITUAL FILM TOUR submissions are now open.

We are the on the lookout for the best new film makers for our worldwide tour Mountain Bike FIlm Tour!  We’ll be looking for exciting new content to be premiered at the 2025 Ritual Mountain Bike Film Tour!

Calling all Mountain Bike Enthusiast from world-class travelers to beginners, young and old, men, women and children, and folks from all walks of life; we want to share your stories on the big screen.  We are looking for MTB films that show your passion for the sport to be featured on the 2025 RITUAL FILM TOUR tentatively scheduled March, April 2025.

All films submitted will be reviewed for quality of filming, storytelling and character development.

Types of films that resonate with the audience.

  1. Straight Stoke – high action with bumping music that sets a tone and location for 5-7 minutes.
  2. Documentary Story – interesting characters and storylines that are relevant to mountain bikers, that take place in interesting locations.
  3. Change and Bike Stories – People and places, inspiring stories from around the globe.

We’ll look at what you’ve got at any point along the creative process.

Rough Cut Submission — This should be your basic film in length and structure but it need not be the polished final product. If you still need to license music, add graphics, etc. that’s ok. But be sure to include a description of what changes you plan to make (if any) between submission and finished film. You can include your notes on your Vimeo/YouTube/etc. video page in the description/notes/comments section as we will look for the notes there.

January 20th, 2025:  Notification of Selection Status. — We will do our best to notify all submitting filmmakers of their selection status on or before this date.

Before February 20th, 2025Trailer Due — Max 3 minutes. Less is more.

February 20th, 2025Completed Final Film Due. With music licenses, actor releases, final color mix, final sound mix, etc.

All entrants must upload their film to a password protected Vimeo or YouTube page and fill out submission fields to the right. Only electronic online submissions will be considered and/or accepted. If selected, you may need to provide your film on a physical drive.

Submit Your Film Here

Submission Rules
  • Entries cannot be in another Mountain Bike Film Festival  being shown in US or Canada until May 1st, 2025 (Subject to negotiation).
  • All entries must have all copyrighted materials cleared and documented.
  • Multiple entries will be accepted.
  • Entries received must include a completed Entry Form and copy of the film.
  • No “Self Help”, “Instructional”, ”How To”, “Retail Service Promotion” films will be accepted.

Selected filmmakers will be entitled to the following:

  • Film Teaser promotion on the Ritual web site and Social Media (NOTE: Trailers will be LINKED to the film maker pages so that all views will be recognized on their site)
  • Company logo or filmmaker photo displayed on the Ritual web site
  • Film tour film submission description displayed on the Ritual web site
  • Film Company or filmmaker bio displayed on the Ritual web site
  • Company or filmmaker web address displayed on the Ritual web site
  • Filmmaker and film description to be mentioned in PR materials and press kits
  • Inclusion on and compensation for Ritual downloads via streaming revenue platform

Submissions can be any length up to a 15-minute maximum, make them as long as they are good – most doc style films are best at 10-15 minutes. They must have a story with start, middle, and ending.  Stoke pieces are usually best in the 3-7 minute range, usually with strong music and action.
Final Submissions must include the following:

  • Fully edited film tour submission up to 15 minutes long
  • 20 second max end credits for film credits and sponsor mentions (Sponsor mentions must be at end of film in end credits only)
  • Film Trailer up to 3 minutes long uploaded on Vimeo. Less is more here. The trailer should be intriguing without giving away the entire film.  NOTE: trailer will be linked and hosted on YOUR page so that you can show value to sponsors etc.
  • Title Card JPEG of the film for display on the Trailer Page and Newsletters.
  • Filmmaker photo or film company logo*
  • Photo stills from film, preferably behind the scenes type (5 minimum)*
  • Max 500 word description of film**
  • Max 500 word filmmaker or company biography**

*(All Photos and stills must be submitted onElectronic Transfer Mechanism (ie DropBox or We Transfer) or email in print quality resolution & format, 300 DPI in JPG TIF or EPS) where possible.
**(Film description and filmmaker or company biography must be submitted as a typed word document .doc)

If selected, you may provide your film in the following formats:
  • Uncompressed file delivered on Hard Drive / Flash Drive / Electronic Transfer Mechanism
  • HD quality 1920×1080– PRORES 422 (or other HD Codec, .mp4, .mov))
  • Audio – Stereo mix to -6db
  • Preferred Frame Rate – 23.98 (24p)

Each entry may not use any unauthorized copyright material including music images or film. If you have copyright material in your film you must be able to provide legal documentation of your permission of its use. Films with copyright material that do not provide this documentation will be disqualified. Please preview your entries before shipping. Programs with defects can be disqualified if unfixable in a timely manner.